Wednesday 13 June 2007

Creature Part 2

The mountains have been the most unforgiving, its caves the dangerous I have ever seen. The creature in front of me has so far been quite still it knows that its toy is only at an arms length, it did not seem to care about the darkness. I struggled to breathe to understand the anomaly of fate that has brought me here, My heartbeat has been pretty fast for the past few minutes . My body has stopped shivering and a strange desire of curiosity has taken possession of my mind, I longer seemed to be bound by the elements of fear or pain, I have made up my mind now.
I stood up against the cold wall facing the unforgiving darkness, for at any moment could the vile beast attack me, I took a step forward when suddenly a sound prevented my progress the was like the noise of something heavy hitting something hard , Suddenly a cold chill ran up my spine the creature was on the move, I could not bear the suspense of the moment and with much thought I rushed ahead, I hit something furry and soft a felt the sharp claws tear down my back as i fell head first into the hard rock floor.....